Lotería-themed TAMU-CCHomecoming Campaign 2020
A 2020 Lotería-themed Homecoming campaign was created for Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi. I provided creative direction for the campaign and recruited Graphic Design faculty and program students to assist with the creation of the card-art and related deliverables.
The resulting campaign invited all current Islanders and Alumni to play the TAMU-CC-themed game and join in on the fun, building camaraderie and interconnection within the student body in an unforgettable way that is unique to South Texas.

Project Artists:
Brand, Card Illustration: Nancy Miller, Assistant Professor
Brand, Card Illustration: Nancy Miller, Assistant Professor
All Color Application, Card Illustration: Alexandria Canchola, Assistant Professor
Card Illustration:
Andrea Hempstead, Assistant Professor
Bradley Platz, Graphic Design student
Allison Bahr, Graphic Design student
Antelmo Aguirre, Graphic Design student
Sonny Martinez, Graphic Design student
Colton Warren, Graphic Design student